Friday, October 28, 2011


pic from MADE
So, sometimes when I'm pregnant all it takes is the thought of something and I MUST make it and eat it. I was a goner today when Dana (from one of my fav blogs, MADE) shared her easy Rice Pudding Recipe. I don't know about you guys, but I never seem to have day old rice and the desire to make rice pudding at the same time, so this was perfect! I made it just about the same as her, but adding some tasty cream and even a bit of butter at the end, oh! and with brown sugar (I generally don't keep white sugar at my house because I find I don't use it very often.)


Have a great weekend ya'll!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

So life has changed a bit...

Things have become super busy in the last four weeks as I have started school for Court Reporting (online).


has become my life. Steno Theory.

 This means we as a family now get to juggle the dynamics of a full-time student daddio, a technically NOT full time student but it sure seems like it Mom, and our little Squinch PLUS the rest of life. Usually it's the rest of life that gets neglected. Seriously. Come visit my house and see how the piles of mess have now evolved into piles of more organized mess and in some places where that has LITERALLY been piled to the ceiling. Plus, over the last month has come the evolution of a new bed toddler bed and a bed for the baby-to-be (expected the end of March 2012).- BUT that is a post all to it's bad self. Nevertheless we don't have a garage or backyard or more than four rooms in our house (two bedrooms, one bathroom and a living room) SO it created a bit of a circus act to keep sane and carry on amid the wood shavings, etc.

BUT what I really was posting about is how I always accuse my husband of being obsessive compulsive about things, but now I'm just as bad (at least in some parts of my life) online purchases to see their status and if they've shipped and where they are and when they will get to me. For school I ordered basically everything online and I needed it all before a specific deadline (the beginning of school) so I checked and checked and checked and checked. NOW there's no real deadline but I'm anxious to see the real deal of my new Lime Ricki maternity swimsuits that hopefully will get here sometime before Christmas! And by obsessive compulsive I mean, like 5 times a day. At least. The darn thing just won't say that it's shipped. It's "billed" but not shipped. Hopefully that means it will show up at my house one day still with that "billed status"...

And I have desires to do cute Halloween decorating, but I'll be lucky if I get it up before the middle of November. So I'll just look at my cousin's cute decorating (Crystal!) and feel that one day it will be possible for me too.

Have a lovely fall day! I mean, Autumn. Please don't fall on my account :p
